A Simple Realignment Process (When You Don’t Feel Like Yourself)
Ever wake up and just not feel…good? If yes, that would make you very human!
Maybe some days you have looping thoughts or worries circulating in your mind that cause you to feel ungrounded or a bit wonky.
Maybe you can't really put your finger on it, but you just feel a bit 'off'.
Here’s a simple realignment process that you can use when you're not feeling like yourself.
Using this process will create a shift in how you feel. You'll notice you feel lighter, more at ease, more positive and more like…yourself!
I’m breaking it down in more detail in Episode 36 on the podcast.
1. Air Them Out
When we're not feeling like ourselves, more than likely we have some thoughts that are circling through our mind that aren't serving us.
Looping thoughts want some air time with you, that's why they keep looping!
They're waiting for you to really sit with them and acknowledge them, *before* they can be released.
The more we ignore them, the louder they become, and the more those loops just continue.
Step one is airing out these thoughts.
It’s not enough to just kind of mentally acknowledge them. We need to take them from head to paper.
So, get a journal out and let them flow. A technique like EFT / Tapping is great too. I teach this more in my self paced digital course.
2. Get Back Into Your Body
When we don't feel like ourselves, we're normally spending a lot of time up in our head and the mind is often very busy and activated.
We need to ground and reconnect with the body in order to feel like our true selves. This is how we feel safe. This is how we stabilise.
We get back to ourselves through a connection to our body.
So what does it look like being in your body?
There's lots of things that can support us to get back into our bodies.
The most important thing really is about creating some dedicated time and space with yourself.
While you're there, something like breathwork would be amazing. Getting out into nature. Going to the beach or taking your shoes off and getting your bare feet on the ground. Cuddling up in a really soft blanket. Exercise - especially ones that connect us to our core like Pilates.
3. Step Into New Beliefs
What beliefs or thoughts will allow me to feel the way I want to feel?
Select something that makes you feel good. It could just be one or two beliefs. It could be a collection of beliefs depending on what's coming up for you and how you want to feel.
Write them down. Record yourself saying your beliefs. Have them pinned to your mirror. Write them on like the notes app on, on your phone and save them as a background on your phone.
Here are some that can be helpful:
I am is exactly where I need to be.
I'm patient with myself.
I treat myself with love, kindness and care.
I love and appreciate the good things in my life and I know that things get better and better for me.
This is working.
All that I need is coming to me easily.
I'm staying open and I'm ready to receive what's next.
It's safe to be me.
It's safe to be with myself.
Things have a way of working out for me.
The opportunities that I need are coming to me easily. I am safe.
This is about laying down the new way of thinking. “This is where I'm going to now.”
Intentional thought work, is just so important if we want to feel differently.