Rethinking Resolutions and Goals

I recorded a new episode on the podcast recently titled: “Rethinking Resolutions & Goals”



Inside this episode I'm answering the question:

What if all the pressure, stress, and baggage associated with goal setting and resolutions were completely unnecessary? 
What if there was a different way to envision our year,  that made the process feel lighter, more fun?
You can listen to the episode here (and on Spotify, Apple podcasts - wherever you like to listen. Search: Steep Your Soul)

Here are some highlights from this episode:



(1) The complication with goals often stems from setting them (consciously or often unconsciously) as a way to prove something to ourselves or other people




(2) When we set goals from a place of lack we are essentially saying to ourselves… “I'm not enough yet… i need to work towards this to prove that I am.”




(3) It's hard to be consistent, to follow through, to be inspired by something thats based in lack.




(4) We need to approach any new intention or goal from a solid base of self worth and self acceptance.




(5) “Im already enough and nothing I can do or achieve this year would make me more worthy. So from this place what feels true for me?”




(6) You are already everything that you hope your goals will give you.


(7) When you feel full from your own acceptance, you will notice not only that your approach goals and intentions but also importantly WHAT you work towards.


What Is Success For You This Year?


A Simple Realignment Process (When You Don’t Feel Like Yourself)