Creating & Sticking With Work Boundaries

You might have started this year with a commitment to honour your own boundaries at work, or other places in your life.



Some common things that are often suggested in this area:


Establishing interests outside of work

Getting home from work at a good time

Taking adequate breaks throughout the day

Not checking your emails at night



…I also think it goes beyond this.



Because we can often do these things but find ourselves back in that same experience a few weeks later, where work is taking over our lives again.



Here's what I believe needs to be in place to find a healthier, more balanced relationship with work:



  1. Know who you are outside of what you do  

Sometimes we can love what we do and/or be good at it, that we over identify with our work successes & achievements. 

It's like unconsciously we merge our sense of self with what we do.  


Ask me how I know ;) 


When we see “who we are” as intricately connected to what we do, it becomes difficult to set boundaries and limits around our time and energy.


If you need the reminder: you are more than what you do, and achieve. 


Your value as a person extends far beyond anything that happens in the work day.


 2. Boundaries are about belief more than anything else.


Work boundaries are much easier to set, the more belief we have in ourselves 


(and the less proving we feel we have to do.)


When we rest in our innate enoughness and our competence, we engage with work from a “full place”.


We don't need to respond to the emails, or completely overextend ourselves to show to people that we are enough.


*You* believe that you are enough and people respond to your certainty and see you in a similar way.

 Say hello to calm, sustainable success.

Join me in Elevate, The Mastermind. We start 29 Feb.

An intimate 6 month group coaching program for professional women, leaders and biz owners to create their next level of success from deep self belief and a calm nervous system.

We're an intimate group & it's perfect for you if you're looking to create a more sustainable relationship with work this year.

You'll learn the power of working light, cultivate deep belief in yourself  & see opportunities begin to flow that support you into your next level of success.


Find out more about the next Mastermind enrolment here.


For more:

Check out Elevate my Mastermind program here.

Learn more about working with me 1:1 here.

Catch up on the latest podcast episodes here.

Podcast episodes that relate to this article include:

Ep 42: Healing From Burn Out & Creating Career Achievement In A New Way

Ep 40: Leaning Back & Working From Your Feminine Energy

Ep 30: Navigating Stress Responses At Work

Ep 23: Working Light & Creating More Work Life Balance

Browse my podcast, Steep Your Soul here.


Decompressing At The End of The Day


Should You Stay or Go?