Should You Stay or Go?

It's that time of the year where we can begin to reflect and question our current path.


It's not uncommon to come back from a break and question - is this job (relationship, friendship, path) right for me?




If you're in that boat - questioning - “Should I stay or should I go?”, I want to share a few thoughts to help with your decision making.



Sometimes we need to leave a job (or something else in life) because we're out grown it,  we're ready for a new challenge or it could have become unhealthy for us in some ways.



Sometimes the answer isn't to leave, but rather about changing the way *we* interact with it.




Let me break this down a bit further:


(I've also recorded a full podcast episode on this and it's just published. Listen here or on Spotify & Apple).






Leaving is all about mindset and believing they are more opportunities.


If we are leading with thoughts like 


"It's going to be hard to find something new” 


"There's nothing out there that I want.” 


You will literally take action (or no action as the case may be) that confirms this as truth.


Cultivate an abundance mindset about the opportunities that are available.


Be deliberate about the kinds of thoughts you're thinking. 


Thoughts such as “There are some great opportunities out there for me” 


“I believe there's something really good making it's way to me.”.


These thoughts are going to support you to take act in a way that will confirm this as truth (and therefore create the opportunities you desire).


Be intentional about how you're thinking about yourself, and your skills. More than anything written on your CV, people feel your belief when they interact with you.


(Many of my clients attract incredible opportunities that don't make sense on paper - because of the belief that radiates out of them that people feel too)


Your dominant thoughts create who you are BEING.


You know that feeling of being around someone who just trusts themselves and their skills?


They aren't puffed up or proving themselves, there's a calm groundedness and certainty they hold that is is magnetic.


You can create this too. Start with a couple of belief statements or affirmations and write them down, circle them through your mind throughout the day.




Listen to the full episode over on my podcast, Steep Your Soul. Spotify, Apple or on my website. 






Sometimes the answer isn't to leave, but to change the way we are interacting with what we are doing.


Take some time to think about:


What's triggering me about this?


What's making this environment challenging?


What part am I playing in this?


Not in a shamey, self blame way, but with some kindness and gentleness ask yourself: 


“How are my thoughts about myself, contributing to the way I feel about this challenge?”


Difficult colleagues or people are touching a sore point in us, otherwise it wouldn't impact us. 


They are guiding us to heal something within ourselves (usually to do with our self worth).


Work boundaries. Practical action steps are part of this, but I've found work boundaries are more than that. 


Work boundaries are easier to set, the more belief we have in ourselves (and the less proving we feel we have to do).




There's a lot of power and freedom that comes from realising that we can influence so much of our experience by making shifts to our own inner world, even if people or situations stay the same.




Have a listen to the full episode on my podcast Steep Your Soul on Spotify, Apple and here on my website. 

 Say hello to calm, sustainable success.

Join me in Elevate, The Mastermind. We start 29 Feb.

An intimate 6 month group coaching program for professional women, leaders and biz owners to create their next level of success from deep self belief and a calm nervous system.

Get clear on the path ahead, expand your view of what's possible for you, advance your career in an entirely new way.


Find out more about the next Mastermind enrolment here.


For more:

Check out Elevate my Mastermind program here.

Learn more about working with me 1:1 here.

Catch up on the latest podcast episodes here.

Podcast episodes that relate to this article include:

Ep 42: Healing From Burn Out & Creating Career Achievement In A New Way

Ep 40: Leaning Back & Working From Your Feminine Energy

Ep 30: Navigating Stress Responses At Work

Ep 23: Working Light & Creating More Work Life Balance

Browse my podcast, Steep Your Soul here.


Creating & Sticking With Work Boundaries


Feeling More Relaxed As You Do Hard Things