Why It Can Feel Hard To Stay On Track
A super common thing I hear when I’m working with people is:
HOW can I commit to the things I want?
Why am I always in this on again / off again pattern where I don’t stick with it?
I want to let you know...it’s less about your willpower and everything to do with this…👇
How supported does “inner you” feel as you step towards the goal you’re seeking for yourself?
If on some level your inner child (which is really your subconscious mind) knows…
“Hey she’s going to judge the shit out of me if I don’t succeed or I don’t meet these high expectations”
…she will lead you into all sorts of creative (self sabotagey) behaviours that make getting off the starting blocks really difficult.
Because underneath it all, your inner child is really fearing your judgement.
By not taking action and committing, she gets to avoid the often brutal judgement we pour on ourselves if we DID try and it didn’t work out. It's a clever self protective thing we do.
So, it’s not really about needing to be more motivated or to have more willpower and it’s almost always more about how supportive am I being to myself?
It’s about learning to motivate yourself through kindness, compassion and love.
This is only way to tap into long lasting change.
Keen for more?
Listen to Episode 1: How To Commit To The Changes You Want
Episodes are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and also over on my website.