Why Committing Can Feel Hard
A really common thing I hear from people I work with is, “How do I fully commit to the dream/goal/desire I have?”
The on again/off again rollercoaster of emotions is real.
One day we feel like “YES I can do it!” other days, we hear ourselves talking ourselves out of the thing we really wanted.
This is super common and I wanted to peel it back and show you what sits underneath it.
First things first - it’s not about you needing to be better at time management or that you need to be more focussed or disciplined.
What it’s really about is untangling ourselves from perfectionism.
Deep down, there’s a part of us that feels like if we can’t guarantee that the outcome is going to be perfect, we don’t want to step forward and fully commit.
And to go another layer, what this is really about is our own judgement.
Deep down, we are really afraid of our own judgement.
What if we went ‘all in’ and really committed to the path, and it didn’t go as expected? We fear so much the judgement that we would pour all over ourselves about it not being perfect or living up to our expectations.
Because, our own judgement stings so much more than anyone else's.
So, to confidently step forward towards the future we dream about for ourselves, it’s about committing to treating ourselves differently.
It’s about committing to loving yourself - whether going ‘all in’ creates the outcome you wanted or something else (which is often something better!)
It’s about knowing that you are a whole and worthy person with or without the outcome you’re seeking.
It’s committing to being on your own team as you step forward, knowing that doing it perfectly isn’t required to get to where we want to be.
When I mention this some people think “But if I let myself off the hook, won’t that mean that I don’t take any action at all?”
Actually - the opposite is true.
When our inner self (our inner child) feels like we’re on her side, suddenly taking action feels safe. We tap into this consistency, this confidence, this self belief that creates entirely different results.
It unlocks a flow of positive momentum towards the change we’re seeking.
For more, listen to Episode 1 my podcast, Steep Your Soul.
I’m talking more about how to commit to the changes you’re seeking in your life.
Have a listen to the episode below or find the podcast when you search “Steep Your Soul” on Apple podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you like to listen.
I help my clients take committed, confident action to bring their dreams and desires to fruition. If you’d like to learn more about working with me 1:1 click here.