Embracing More Ease In 2022

As I’ve been settling into my working year, I’ve noticed there’s been a resounding theme across my conversations with clients, friends and my community.

And it’s all about ease.

Last year felt tough collectively, and in many unique and individual ways too.

What I’m hearing is that for many of us, we want things to feel easier this year.

Less stress. Less pushing and overworking. More ease. More joy. More balance.

Does that sound like you?

I know this is a big part of my year in 2022.

The first thing I’ve done is cut my working hours right back to around 20 hours per week. Reducing my private client availability considerably and introducing other self paced offerings.

(More on this in a future blog!)

I know many of us share the same desire for things to feel easier and your version of ease may look different to mine.

But I want to highlight how we get there (and it's more of an inner journey than an outer one!)

Changing your beliefs is a huge part of embracing more ease…


It starts with creating the belief that you deserve ease and it’s safe for you to create this experience for yourself.

Without this, we may hold a conscious desire for ease, but unconsciously end up self sabotaging (and often in creative ways!) like busying ourselves with things because we feel we should, relenting on our boundaries, getting sucked into other people’s drama etc.

Affirmation: I deserve to experience life in an easier way.


Releasing the belief that you have to keep working harder to prove that you’re doing enough or deserve the things you have or want to receive

Bringing healing to the part of you that is constantly looking for you to be ‘more’ and relaxing back into the knowing that the value you offer is enough.

Your value is not tied to your productivity. That you just being you, is actually enough (and that you can actually receive what you want from this place). You don’t have to bend over backwards, overextend yourself and please others in order to prove that.

Affirmation: My self worth and value is separate from how much I do. Who I am and what I offer right now is enough.


Clearing and releasing intense emotions, feelings and stressful situations as they crop up, so you don’t take them on. This is about conscious nervous system healing.

These feelings are universal. When we are circling in a lot of self doubt, fear, and stress, it keeps us in fight or flight. While we may sit down to meditate or take a break it’s either completely ineffective or totally frustrating because our nervous system is so hyped up, it doesn't feel safe to be still.

When you learn to process stressful and heavy emotions and feelings (and not take them on), your nervous system heals.

It starts to feel more safe and familiar to be still, to feel calm, relaxed and stable.

You learn to enjoy and relish moments of stillness and downtime (without overthinking and rehashing the days events).

Affirmation: I release. I let go. It's safe for me to slow down.

Prefer to Listen?

I go into this process in a more in-depth way via Episode 13 on my podcast: Breaking Up With Burn Out.

Have a listen below or search for “Steep Your Soul Podcast” wherever you like to listen to podcasts .


This is exactly what I’m teaching my clients inside my 1:1 program.


Why Committing Can Feel Hard


Rethinking New Years Resolutions