What Is Success For You This Year?
What would success look like for you this year?
It’s not often a question we stop to ask ourselves and because of that, we absorb the dominant cultural narrative about success.
We define success for ourselves based on what we think success is, versus what would be truly meaningful and true for us.
It's hard to feel successful when we are measuring ourselves (often subconsciously) to someone else's definition of success.
How do we know this is happening?
Well it's unlikely you're walking around with that as conscious internal dialogue. BUT we see it more in our emotional experience….
Feeling pressured, stressed, feeling like you're 'behind' in some way, trying to keep up, comparing yourself to others etc.
I've experienced all of these and it's always invited me back to the same thing:
What's important to me?
And how do I define success in this season?
Listen to Episode 43: Rethinking Resolutions and Goals on the podcast.
You feel truly successful, whole, peaceful and at ease when you're living and working towards your own definition of success.
Success can be defined through metrics (such as income), and in a traditional means - the ability to purchase a home you love, or beautiful things….but it's also sooooo much more than that.
Success could also be (and is not limited to):
How much fun you’re having
How peaceful and calm you feel
Doing work that you love
The state of your nervous system
Having time to spend with people you love
The amount of adventure or new experiences you create for yourself
How connected your marriage feels
How well you’re honouring your boundaries and capacity
…and more.
The only way to create a truly fulfilling life is to work towards your own definition of success.