When Life’s Lost That Spark
I came across this quote many years ago. When I first read it, it didn't fully land.
Over the years, like all of us, I have faced challenges, worked through stuff from my past and leant more into my own inner healing work, now this statement rings very true.
It's a sentiment I think about a lot and I share it with people often.
When someone comes to work with me and they share with me that life has lost that spark, that everything's feeling hard and heavy, one of the first places we'll go to, is emotional processing.
I teach them my 4 Step Process.
Here's why this is important:
When we start to get really consistent with processing our feelings - everything from the daily stresses, annoyances and every day triggers to stuff we might have tucked away from our past...it creates space.
And in that space - joy and happiness arrives. The peace we have been craving is found. Life starts to feel a lot lighter and easier.
(Processing how you feel is the equivalent of lifting huge weights off your shoulders)
So if you've been feeling as though life's heavy and hard and you want to feel better - your pathway to creating more ease, more joy, more lightness - is to be present with yourself and your feelings.
Because as Brene says, you can't selectively numb your feelings. If you push aside the hard feelings, it's almost impossible to access the ones you actually want.
We totally resist sitting with ourselves and our feelings as humans, it doesn't come naturally.
But I want to show you that it's not hard, scary or complicated.
In fact, it's quite simple and relief is so so profound.
That's why I created the digital course - The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress. Learn more about it here.
It's a simple process to release and process heavy feelings and bring more peace, stability, ease and happiness into your daily life.
The 4 Step Process is something that has transformed my life (and I don't say that lightly).
I literally use it every day. It's so quick to use and relief is instant.
It's what keeps me living from a place of feeling trusting, open and at ease ---- (even if there are things my mind wants to convince me that I must worry about!)
I've shared it with many, many people over the years.
I've seen it change and transform how show up at work,
in their relationships,
with their kids,
+ how they FEEL every day.
It's not scary, complicated or time consuming.
When you know how to process and release the hard feelings....a whole new world is unlocked. You welcome in soooo much more joy, happiness, peace and ease into your life.
This is a course you can complete in 1 or 2 sittings. It’s SO easy to learn.
If you want to learn more check out the 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Course here.
For more:
Check out my podcast, Steep Your Soul.