Emptying Your Emotional Cup

We talk a lot about filling up our emotional cup, but have you thought about emptying your emotional cup too?



I know when small things are triggering, things that are often quite minor but create a disproportionate reaction in me - my emotional cup needs emptying.

It’s like that one dish being left out, or that one comment is the last drop that your cup can hold and then it spills over. 

When the small things are getting to you, move from your head, to your body.  Release the charge that’s there.


That could look like: 

  • Breathwork 

  • Release Writing (get your journal out and offload all your frustration in there - burn it or rip it up if necessary 😂)

  • EFT / Tapping.  Primal screaming 

  • and more…

When we prioritise getting into our bodies and emptying our emotional cup, we’re more resilient.  Little (and big) challenges that come our way, can wash more easily off us. 

We’re less affected by other people.  We approach what we’re doing from a more grounded and calm place.  


“You” Make It Easier


What, How, What’s Next?