All You Need Is A Little Faith
I have absolutely got into perfectionism around my own ‘inner work’ in the past - feeling like I had to clear away every last little block or negative thought to receive the outcomes I wanted.
Our inner perfectionist can tell us that what we want is not possible yet, until we do more ‘work’ on ourselves. We tell ourselves we’re not ready yet (it’s a sneaky way we hold ourselves back).
Can I tell you - this isn’t necessary (nor is it true).
You don’t have to have perfect faith to receive the things you’ve been dreaming about.
You don’t have to completely believe in yourself and what you’re doing in order to step forward.
Intentionally building more belief, bit by bit makes all the difference.
I’ve seen this over and over again for myself because I’ve never had perfect faith or perfect belief.
But I’ve intentionally leaned into this enough to create the outcomes I’ve been seeking. Bit by bit.
It’s about being patient and giving ourselves space as we change how we think.
Culture always tells us that faster and bigger is always better.
But when it comes to changing how we see ourselves and what’s possible, I think intentional, patient work, bit by bit, is far more effective.
No pushing or pressuring.
Knowing that you’re already enough and worthy of the changes you seek for yourself (even if you still have some thoughts you might consider ‘negative’)
I love to work with women to help them create deeper belief in themselves.
Because when you believe in yourself deeply, everything changes.
Your view of what’s possible for you expands.You allow yourself to do things that previously felt out of reach.
You take confident, committed action to bring your dreams to life.
You discover that not only can you reach goals that you could never get to before, but you unlock a new level of peace, presence and joy in your life as you do.
Keen for more? Have a listen to my podcast, Steep Your Soul.
Episodes are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and also over on my website.