Working In a ‘Lighter’ Way

Inside Elevate The Mastermind we have a term we refer to as “working light”.


It’s an approach to work that makes moving through tasks and challenges easier on your nervous system + is a way to create career achievement, in a balanced way, without feeling overwhelmed.


Ways We Can Work More Lightly:


- Operating from deep self belief & generating a sense of ‘being enough’ from within ourselves.  This means we aren’t pushing to get this from external sources.  We derive our value from within and let that ‘speak’ on our behalf.


- Having an ongoing awareness of how we feel both physically and emotionally so we can notice when we're taking on a "working heavy" approach and make adjustments.


- Embracing life uncertainties and not needing to know ‘how’ everything will play out.  Living from a place of deep trust that things will work out for us, without having to to control all the details.



- Creating an embodied sense of safety, calm and confidence that is not dependent on external factors being a particular way. Giving ourselves freedom to feel the way we want to *now*, before everything is the way we want it to be. The freedom that comes from this one is immense!


How ‘Working Light’ helps us:


1. It reduces stress and burnout, supports a more balanced relationship with work, allowing us to feel more focused, creative and productive in our work over the long-term.


2. By generating self-worth and confidence from within, we don’t rely as much on external validation and can take risks without fear of not being "enough". This opens us up a willingness to try new things & step into new opportunities.


3. Trusting in the process and letting go of overly trying to control outcomes gives space for better ideas and solutions to emerge naturally. It takes the pressure off "forcing" our next steps.


4. Maintaining a sense of balance and holding work more lightly means we can bring our best energy and mindset to our work every day


5. Approaching challenges, uncertainties in our work with deeper trust and greater self belief means we don’t get ‘stuck’ in them, we learn and grow quickly from these experiences, paving the way for ongoing success and achievement of your goals.

 Say hello to calm, sustainable success.

Learn more about my Mastermind program here


I’ve created my Mastermind for women who are:

  • Seeking career changes, who want to get clear on what’s next and what their priorities are.

  • Navigating career transitions and moving through self-doubt.

  • Working in a corporate environment who are seeking a more balanced approach to creating success

  • In business who want to expand their impact, reach more clients and know that the inner work is the key to creating this 

  • Aspiring leaders and current leaders who want to lead confidently and from their feminine energy 

  • Those ready to step into expansive success, while honouring their well-being.



The work we do together inside the Mastermind will:


  • Create lightness and a feeling of relaxation in your body as you work


  • Show you how to step into your next level of success in a calm, grounded and more feminine way


  • Create brain space & give you more energy to do things outside of work that bring you joy


  • Deepen your self belief so you walk into spaces really knowing you belong there


  • Reconnect you to yourself, your priorities and what you really want from the future




…and much more. 



Find out more about the next Mastermind enrolment here.


For more:

Check out Elevate my Mastermind program here.

Learn more about working with me 1:1 here.

Catch up on the latest podcast episodes here.

Podcast episodes that relate to this article include:

Ep 42: Healing From Burn Out & Creating Career Achievement In A New Way

Ep 40: Leaning Back & Working From Your Feminine Energy

Ep 30: Navigating Stress Responses At Work

Ep 23: Working Light & Creating More Work Life Balance

Browse my podcast, Steep Your Soul here.


Feeling More Relaxed As You Do Hard Things


Creating Career Clarity