My thoughts on the year ahead

Can I let you in on something private? This year has been a real challenge.

A terminal diagnosis for a member of my family.

Change and letting go in my business.

A million other challenges along the way.

So much of this has felt excruciating.

Not to mention what we have all been experiencing as a collective.

I'm not the same person I was a year ago.

This year has changed and challenged me and I know I'm not alone in this.

I’ve seen this in many unique and also shared ways across my client community.

I trust that you too, have felt the excruciating weight of this year.

I see you and your bravery. I acknowledge you for the courage it takes to keep showing up each day and taking steps forward.

Do you know the crazy thing though?

In spite of all of this, I have also experienced the deepest levels of peace and joy that I’ve ever felt in my whole life.

Who knew pain and suffering could co exist with joy and inner peace?

Looking back, I see Life helping me shed all that no longer served me, moulding me into a more true version of myself.

I've been able to reclaim power over my own inner world and emotional experiences.

To now have the ability to rise above my circumstances and consciously choose how I feel and what I experience, is a lesson I'm truly grateful for.

This is what I believe is the invitation for next year:

We’re all being asked to shed what’s no longer coming with us, so we can step into the next iteration of ourselves.

Next year will also be an opportunity to reclaim our power and our enjoyment of life even in amongst the uncertainty of it all.

And yes, this is possible. These things CAN co-exist.

I'm talking about the type of peace and inner harmony that is not contingent upon the state of our world or the country.

The kind of peace that only you can create and that no one can take away from you.

The question is: will I allow external circumstances to completely dictate my internal world?

I believe the beginning of next year is an opportunity for a re-set, a re-focus and re-fresh.


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