Bringing Doubt To Doubt

Often, we find ourselves grappling with self-doubt


Can I really do this thing that I want to do? 

Is it really possible for me? 

How might it happen?


Am I capable of this thing in front of me?



It's a common human experience, but what if I told you that these doubts don't deserve the power we give them?


My challenge to you, is to not simply accept these doubts and allow them to rent space in your mind.


Instead, challenge them. This is what I call “bringing doubt to doubt”.



Ask yourself, "Where is the proof that this doubt isn't true?”


It's easy to forget our past achievements and focus solely on our fears and what we think are our limitations.


But I encourage you to take a different approach.




Bringing Doubt to Doubt Exercise: 


1. Take a piece of paper out


2. Write out your doubts


And then….



3. Look back at your life and sift through your memories for evidence of your capabilities


Consciously recall the times you overcame obstacles.


The moments you surprised yourself with your resilience.


Times when you were faced with uncertainty, but you made it happen anyway. 


How doors of opportunity just opened, out of the blue.


You had to do something that felt like a massive stretch (starting a new job, moving countries, putting yourself out there)…and you did it.



(Write them down, makes all the difference!) 



These aren't random occurrences, they all stack up as evidence that what you desire now, is also possible for you.


This is the proof that should define our self-perception, not the mind stories and doubts.


I hope this can be a reminder to question the things that run through your mind, and not accept them as truth. 



Take the time to seek out evidence of how capable you are.




Daily I AM Motivational Audio 


If you need a daily practice to help, listen to the I AM Audio every morning. 

It will give you a huge boost of positivity, motivation and confidence. 

Listen for free here. 


Work With Me 1:1 

3 and 6 month options available


Tune into my podcast, Steep Your Soul. Listen here.


How We Start The Day Matters