Feeling overworked, and burnt out by work and wondering if there’s another way?
There is.
The Work Light Way
Learn how to work in a way that feels lighter on your mind, heart and nervous system
The balance between work and life is a hot topic, and one that many organisations are keen to support their people with.
There is lots of great advice out there as to what can help create this balance, but most of this is focussed at changing our actions or behaviour at the surface level.
Here’s the truth:
Work / life balance runs deeper than being committed to getting away from work in good time, or maintaining interests outside of work.
If we don’t address the underlying reasons why this balance is a challenge, we end up re-creating the same patterns and it becomes a frustrating cycle.
To establish true balance in our lives we need to focus on the following:
The beliefs we hold about ourselves
Consciously managing our thoughts as we face challenges
The way in which we process emotional stress
Here’s why the conversation around work/life balance needs to run deeper:
If we are questioning our abilities (as is very common throughout our career, especially when we are moving to a new level) it creates a gap in our self belief.
This gap in self belief will cause us to feel like we need to prove ourselves (perhaps to our colleagues, our boss, our team members or to clients) to feel more settled about what we are bringing to our role.
When we have this gap in our belief, unconsciously we will try to compensate for this by working harder and longer.
We’re likely to see ourselves play out patterns of overworking, pushing, proving and relying on external validation to feel confident in our abilities.
All of this leads to burn out and a style of working I refer to as “working heavy”.
We often don’t have the tools to be able to process the stress from the day, so it builds up and creates an armour around us that makes shifting from work to home difficult and can impact our relationships with the people we value the most.
This is particularly prevalent in professional services sector and other corporate environments where the demands of our career are high. Unless we have a strong sense of self awareness, this can develop into poor personal boundaries leading to burn out.
Luckily, there’s another way we can approach work.
I call this “Working Light.”
Working Light is a revolutionary new approach to working, leading and living that is much more conducive to work / life balance and creates far greater enjoyment and satisfaction from the work we do.
Learn the Work Light Way via a corporate / workplace workshop (both full and half day options) or a 1:1 coaching experience.
Working Light means we show up at work in a completely new way
Working Light is based on cultivating deep belief in ourselves in our skills and abilities.
It’s about consciously managing our thoughts (especially when we come under pressure).
It’s also about learning how to tend to our nervous system and our stress responses, so we can feel more at ease when we face inevitable challenges in the workplace.
When we are anchored in deep belief about our skills, we trust that what we are offering is enough and when our nervous system feels settled and safe, it completely changes our experience of work (even if the work itself stays the same).
How can embracing The Work Light Way principles help me?
Embracing the principles of “Working Light” means:
Challenges that used to scare us or cause us to overthink, will now feel lighter, more fun and satisfying.
We feel less racy, worried or anxious and instead experience more ease in our bodies.
We can approach each day with a deeper sense of confidence, trust and belief in ourselves.
As we step beyond the confines of our comfort zone, we know how to support ourselves (and our nervous systems).
When we meet challenges, we know how to process the emotions they bring up in us, so we can more easily create a nourishing balance between work and life.
People start to notice a marked shift in how you’re leading and working. Opportunities that match this expanded view of yourself, start to show up. You don’t have to rely so heavily on your own self effort, what you need, comes more easily.
You create so much more enjoyment from work, while at the same time, you let work be work. Something that you do, not who you are. which makes the transition between work and home a lot easier.
Difficult personalities or people who trigger doubt, frustration and worry in you, will trigger you much less or not even at all
When an old doubt crops up for you, or you feel overwhelmed, you’ll know exactly how to process whatever is coming up, so you can stay grounded & connected to the version of you know that believes deeply in what you offer
This isn’t necessarily about working less (although that could be your goal), it’s about changing the way in which you engage with work.
This is possible for anyone, no matter what level you work at and what your responsibilities are.
If you’re keen to discover more about the concept of “working light”, check out Episode 23 on my podcast, Steep Your Soul.
You can either listen to this episode below, or find it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you like to listen to podcasts
How can we work together?
There’s a number of ways we can work together, to learn The Work Light Way.
Corporate / workplace workshops (both full day and half day options
Private Coaching
If you’d like to learn more, send me a message via my website and tell me a bit more about what you’re after. Click the button below.
Keen to learn more about my approach and how I support my clients?
Have a listen to the podcast episodes below where I interview three of my clients, Ashlee, Chloe and Rosie.
On these episodes they share their experience, what’s shifted for them + plenty of their own wonderful insights.
These episodes are also available on my podcast, Steep Your Soul, which can search for on Spotify and Apple podcasts.