Thank you for your interest in working together!

Please enter your information below to introduce yourself and tell me more about what you would like to work on.

A couple of things to note, please be aware of the following:

  • The private coaching sessions included in the program are held on Zoom.

  • I work with clients all around the world so no matter where you're based I can support you. Please ensure that your time zone works in with mine (NZ).

  • I don’t offer refunds for change of mind, so please enrol mindfully.

Before filling out the form below, please ensure you have read through the program info over on this page and you’re aware of how the program works and the investment.

Full terms and conditions can be found here.

Please know that all responses below are treated with respect and confidentiality.


Thank you for completing this information. I’m really looking forward to connecting with you!
I will be in touch within 48 hours. If you don’t see a reply from me within this timeframe, please check your Spam folder or send me another email at: