Episode 26
Life and Work Update Post Baby
I'm back from Maternity Leave and it's great to be back on the podcast recording a brand new episode.
It was comical (until it wasn’t!) how many times I tried to record this. I probably tried 6 times.
Eloise woke from her nap every time.
Then my mentor Cassie Mendoza Jones said to me “just record it in the forest!” (a place I love to go walking)
So that’s exactly what we did and we got it done!
Episodes from here will sound different to the ones pre baby, probably more nature sounds, probably Eloise chatting away and the odd squawk and me slightly breathless while walking with a 6 month on my front!
But the heart and energy behind them are the same.
Here’s the latest episode.
- A life and work update from me after baby,
- How I’m working now
- What my focuses and priorities are and upcoming projects.
Birth Blog: https://www.annabellematson.com/blog/mybirthstory
1:1 Program: https://www.annabellematson.com/mentoring-program
Corporate Workshops: https://www.annabellematson.com/workshops
About The Podcast
Steep Your Soul podcast is for women who are seeking deep truth and meaning to their lives.
On each episode, Annabelle Matson provides soulful guidance, coaching and tangible action steps to help you overcome what's holding you back in life, so you can awaken to your full potential and purpose.