My Biggest Revelation from 2022
It’s about this point in the year that I start to reflect a little more about what has happened in the year. What’s been shifting for me, what’s been working, what I’ve moved through etc.
I love to do this kind of reflection now, before all of the Christmas / end of year craziness sets in.
There’s a subtle “should have done more” mindset that can creep in about now.
But I find when I do some conscious reflection on the year, I by-pass all of that and feel much more accepting and at ease about what the year has been.
I highly recommend it!
Each year I find that there is a stand-out ‘piece’, insight, awareness, change or shift that has impacted my year the most.
I want to tell you a little more about what that's been for me this year.
Last year, I started to notice there was there was this pattern playing out for me…
No matter what I achieved or created, there was often this gnawing feeling that it wasn’t quite enough.
Yes it was great, but it could have been more - is what my mind would tell me.
To be honest I think this pattern had been with me for some time, but there was this laser beam light that started to shine down on it last year.
It created this lingering feeling like something was missing.
I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
I didn’t like how this made me feel either.
There was a subtle (and at times - not so subtle) striving, pressury energy to it. It distracted me from the success I had already created and the goodness and abundance that was already in front of me.
So this year I decided to do things differently.
I decided to define my own version of success. I tuned into what felt truly abundant, expansive, nourishing and successful for me.
I let go of thinking about whether this matched up to what other people define as successful. I allowed myself to really sit in and live by, my own definition.
Here's what's been amazing about this…
It’s created a ‘fullness’ in my life that I haven’t been able to access before.
I haven’t lost ambition or drive, but I’m no longer searching for ‘more’ in order to feel safe and settled about where I am.
Instead, I’m right here and here is more than enough.
I’m more present. I’m much more peaceful. I’ve also had SUCH a joyous year work wise.
And not because everything has gone my way or I’ve nailed all my goals.
But because I’ve allowed myself to celebrate and enjoy what’s here right now, without subconsciously feeling like I wasn’t allowed to until I got to some distant place in the future.
There is a ton of abundance in your life and a lot of success you have created, that you may be overlooking because we are so conditioned to see it in a one dimensional way.
You get to decide what success is for you. So, what will you decide?
The coolest thing about this is, you will discover that you are *already* successful right now in so many ways.
What if you really believed that to be true? What if you really believed that there was nothing else you needed to achieve or do in order to feel ‘full’ and successful?
How would that change things for you about your life?
If we feel like success is something that sits ‘out there’ in some way it will always be elusive.
If we are holding ourselves up to (often unconsciously) someone else’s definition of success, we will never feel like enough.
Not matter what we achieve, there will always be something more we have to do to feel settled and safe with what we have.